Le rapport révèle que Suarez a traité Evra de «négro» pas moins de sept reprises au cours de la rencontre (1-1) après un accrochage entre les deux joueurs. Quand Evra lui a demandé pourquoi l’Uruguayen l’avait frappé, Suarez a répondu: «Porque tu eres negro» (parce que tu es un négro). Quand le Français lui a fait remarquer qu’il allait répondre s’il persistait, l’attaquant des Reds aurait répondu: «No hablo con los negros» (Je ne parle pas aux négros).

L’Uruguayen, qui devrait aussi payer une amende de 40.000 livres (47.800 euros), a tenté de se défendre en affirmant que ce terme n’avait pas de caractère raciste chez lui.


  • Antonio
    avril 5, 2012

    It is not about clubs. Racism in any form against aonyne should be strictly punished. No one deserves to walk free after making racist comments. The FA investigated into the matter for several days and they found Suarez guilty. He has been punished. The 8 match ban implies that it is quite a serious matter.I am not saying that Suarez is racist but he did something wrong in the heat of the moment. Players lose their minds sometimes and do certain wrong things. Zidane head-butted Materazzi, Rooney abused on Camera. These players were also punished and Manchester United fans and France fans also thought the punishment was unfair.This incident will warn all other players that any unacceptable offence will be severely dealt with.Terry has been charged. It’s on Skysports. He will also be punished.NO OFFENCE MEANT to any Liverpool fans. Just giving my opinion.

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